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TCNJ History

History of the College

Resources on College History


Time, the Great Teacher: A History of One Hundred Years of the New  Jersey State  Teachers College at Trenton, 1855-1955, by Rachel M. Jarrold and Glenn E. Fromm. Trenton: New Jersey State Teachers College, 1955.

LD3780 .N788

The quintessential history of the early years of the college. Contains lists of principals, presidents, and faculty with years of service. Subsequent to its publication, a separate index of names was produced.



The Land Along the Shabakunks: Adventures into Ewing’s Past from Old Cross Keys to the William Green Farm (Ewingville to Trenton State College Campus), by Robert Reeder Green. [s.l.]:Green, 1979.

F144 .E8 G733

History of Ewing with much attention to the campus site and the Green Farm House.



The College of New Jersey: A Case Study in Institutional Transformation, by Mary-Elaine Wszalek Perry. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Dissertation Services, 2003.

 LD3780 .N82 P47 2003

A doctoral dissertation from the University of Pennsylvania focusing on institutional change from 1975 to 1996 at Trenton State College/The College of New Jersey.




Newer Every Day: The College of New Jersey, by Don Hamerman. Stamford, CT: D H Books, 2006.

LD3780 .N83 N48 2006

A pictorial survey of the College produced at the time of the Sesquicentennial. Pictures are briefly identified in the back of the book.



Trenton State College Alumni Directory. White Plains, NY: Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co., 1993.

LD3780 .N81a 1993

Alphabetical listing of alumni as well as by class year, geographical location, and occupation. List of Alumni Citation winners from 1940 to 1993 included in the front of the volume.


The College of New Jersey Alumni Directory. White Plains, NY: Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co., 1998.

LD3780 .N81a 1998

Updated, expanded version of the previous title with similar listings of class year, geographical location, and occupation.



Seal (The College of New Jersey Yearbook) 1911 to date.

LD3780 .N83 S4

Yearbook of the College. Not published in 1944. Older editions tend to have more text and identified photos. Rich in photos of college life, students, faculty, and campus scenes.




Signal (The College of New Jersey Newspaper) 1885- May 1920; December 1929-present. LD3780 .N83 S5

Among the oldest college newspapers in the country, the Signal was at first jointly published by the Normal School and the Model School attached to the college as a demonstration school. Functioned as a literary magazine of essays at first and gradually changed into a newspaper format.




College catalogs (various titles)

LD3780 .N83 N394

Variously titled Annual Report of the NJ State Normal School, State Teachers College Bulletin, Undergraduate Bulletin, and others, they provide the usual course descriptions and lists of faculty. Older editions are particularly rich in details about admissions standards, college finances, rules about student life and behavior, lists of student names and addresses, photos of graduating classes and facilities, and more. 




Respectfully Submitted: Selected Minutes of the English Department Meetings, Trenton State College, 1972-1993, by Frederick S. Kiley. Trenton, NJ: Demarais Studio, 2003

LD3780 .N83 K55 2003.

A humorous account of English Department meetings. 




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  • New Jersey State Normal School
  • Trenton State College
  • College of New Jersey (Ewing, NJ)