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Cataloging and Metadata Services

Documentation Repository

Student Worker Schedule


FALL 2024

Gauri - Fall 2024 Work Schedule (Starting Monday 8-26-24)
Monday: 10:00-1:00
Tuesday: 11:30-12:30
Wednesday: 11:00-1:00
Thursday: 10:00-1:00
Friday: 11:30-12:30

Student Worker Responsibilities

Job Description for Cataloging Student Worker


Primary responsibility:  Labeling of books, media items (CDs, DVDs, accompanying materials, music scores, etc.) and documents.  Barcodes attached to these items are scanned into the labeling program 40 at a time and will generate 40 labels to be printed on a label stock sheet.  Labels are then affixed to books, media items, documents, etc. and covered with a Mylar protective cover. 

Essential traits:  Computer skills; attention to detail, willingness to ask questions.  Accuracy, efficiency, dependability.

  • Labels must be affixed to correct item.
  • Student should learn to recognize call number oddities or inconsistencies and bring to staff’s attention.


Secondary responsibilities: 

Processing of children’s materials.  Covering children’s books with protective clear covers (involves cutting and taping).  Affixing appropriate award sticker to book (if applicable).  Processing, laminating, and shelving picture files, maps, and posters.  

Processing of bindery materials.  Affixing barcodes to newly bound materials and linking these to the existing item records.  Verifying title and call number on spine are correct.

Withdrawing of books.  Mechanical work consists of inking out book ownership stamps, barcodes, and call numbers and stamping book with “Withdrawn” stamp. Withdrawn books are then placed on a cart and brought downstairs to Access Services to be shelved on the designated “withdrawn books” shelves.

Checking-In and Shelving Periodicals.  Using the Alma system to check in periodicals and then transport them to the periodicals area for shelving.

Special projects.  Determined by the head of cataloging.  These may consist of simple database cleanup projects or data entry work.  Requires attention to detail, computer skills, ability to follow instructions precisely.


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Student Worker Expectations

Expectations of a Student Worker in Cataloging and Metadata Services


  1. Record the number of hours you work each day using the Student Employee Electronic Timesheet in Oracle Cloud. Be sure to submit your electronic timesheet to your supervisor for approval prior to the payroll deadline.                                                                                             
  2. You are expected to work for the duration of the semester. This means that you will start working the first week of the new semester and continue working until the week before final exams (excluding Spring or Fall break), unless other arrangements are made and approved by your supervisor in advance.

  3.  Punctuality is extremely important. You are also expected to report to work on time. You must inform your supervisor in advance through phone, email or text if you are going to be late or absent. Two (2) no shows without prior notification will result in automatic termination.                                                                        
  4. There are only two (2) acceptable excuses for calling out at the last minute:
  1. Family emergency, serious illness, or accident.
  2. You are sick.  NOTE: If this happens too often you will be asked to bring in a doctor’s note.  If you cannot produce a doctor’s note you will be asked to leave your position.
  1. If you know in advance that you cannot work some of your hours that week, please let us know.  If you like, we may be able to arrange for you to come in at another day/time to make up the hours. 
  1. Homework, reading, internet use, texting, listening to music, using earbuds/headphones and personal phone calls while working are all prohibited. Cell phones and earbuds must be put away while working.  Eating and drinking (except water) are also prohibited but may be allowed on special occasions.                                                                                                                                                                                            
  2. Any misconduct or disrespectful behavior will result in the termination of your employment.                                                                                                                                       
  3. Please do not be afraid to ask questions! Accuracy is of the utmost importance, so ask if there is any doubt about anything related to your duties.  We appreciate possible errors brought to our attention and will be happy to explain any confusion.                                                                                      
  4.  While we understand that your first responsibility is your school work, this is a real job and we expect you to show up as scheduled.  We like to be flexible; however, calling out repeatedly will be documented and if it continues, we will be forced to find someone more reliable.

Disregard of these expectations will result in the termination of your employment.


I understand and agree to the above.


SIGNATURE:  ________________________________________________   DATE: _____________


PHONE: ____________________________________________________

                        (campus)                                                  (home)


EMAIL: _____________________________________________________