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Documentation Repository

Copyright Workflow

Introduction: The primary purpose of this document is to provide guidance on procedures and tools used to check the copyright\ for published work intended to be deposited into TCNJ IR (DSpace). The instructions below are skipped when it is known with certainty that the resource (e.g., unpublished material) can be deposited without any copyright issue.


Overview: The copyright workflow consists of two basic steps: (1) checking publisher policy on IR deposits and (2) checking a "set statement" required when we have a version that can be posted to the IR.


Checking publisher copyright policy

1. Go to the SHERPA/RoMEO database to find a summary of the publisher’s policy on copyright and archiving.


2. Examine the search result carefully to identify what version can be deposited into the IR under the publisher’s copyright policy:

  • Published version/PDF ("version of record"): A copy of the article or other publication as it has been published in print or electronic format
  • Postprint ("accepted manuscript"): Author's final version, i.e., final manuscript that has been accepted for publication. The content is the same as the published version (but before the publisher’s formatting and copy-editing). This should not be confused with page proofs that are created as part of the publication process.
  • Preprint ("author's original version"): Any version of a journal article or other publication submitted for formal review and consideration. Includes earlier drafts.

In the example below, postprints can be deposited for this journal, while pre-prints can be archived only on the author’s own web site. The publisher’s PDF version cannot be deposited into the IR.


3. Remember that publisher copyright policies must be checked even if a contributor has already sent us published articles (any version) for possible deposit. If the version received cannot be deposited under the publisher copyright policy, or if the contributor has sent us only publication lists or citations, contact and ask the contributor if he or she has a version that can be legally posted to the IR (for example, postprints or preprints).

Note: If the SHERPA/RoMEO information indicates that a published version can be deposited into the IR (and if the contributor has not sent it to us), use library databases, etc. to find a PDF copy ourselves. Convert all textual files to PDA/A format.

If the IR can deposit only a postprint or preprint and the contributor does not have either version, create a metadata-only record in the IR.


4. If it appears that information found on the SHERPA/RoMEO result page is not sufficient or clear enough to indicate publisher copyright policy, click appropriate link(s) (most likely under “Copyright”) to find more detailed explanation on the publisher web site. Also, we may begin by searching Google for a combination of “[journal title] copyright repository”.


5. As a last resort, should we ever need to contact a journal/publisher for copyright permission, we may write a brief form letter working from the following template:


To whom it may concern (or more specific addressee):

I am writing on behalf of Prof. xxxxxx, who wishes to make his/her article, "xxxxxxx", from v. # of your journal ABC, available in our institutional repository at The College of New Jersey (if known from the SHERPA/RoMEO database, specify the version of the article that may be archived under the publisher’s copyright policy). If we do not hear from you by MM-DD-YYYY (about a week), we will assume that you do not object to our request and will proceed accordingly.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Checking a "set statement" required

When a postprint or preprint can be deposited to the IR, it should be remembered that some publishers want a "set statement" included to indicate that the version in the repository is different from the published version. If the journal has been recorded in the local database previously, check the entry to see if the set statement required has been recorded for the journal. If the journal is a new inclusion in the IR, we must further check the the SHERPA/RoMEO entry to see if a set statement is required for the journal. If it is required, follow the copyright link in the SHERPA/RoMEO record to see if the set statement needed can be found. If it cannot be found in the link(s) provided, try to find the required text on the publisher website, etc. for inclusion in the IR record. One searching strategy may be to start by searching Google for a combination of “[journal title] copyright repository”. Make sure to record the set statement found in the local database for future use.

Sample "set statement" on publisher website: