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Cataloging and Metadata Services

Documentation Repository

Cataloging Curriculum Materials

Procedures for cataloging Curriculum Texts


All new textbooks must be checked on Voyager before processing for possible duplication.  Books that are duplicated will be returned to the publisher by the Acquisitions Dept.


Call Number


Textbooks are cataloged using a modified Dewey call number developed for local use. The primary segment of the local call number consists of three parts: Dewey class number, first three letters of the publisher’s name and publication date.  Appropriate abbreviations should be used for teacher’s edition, teacher’s guide … etc.  The Call numbers on the bib record are inserted into the 099 field. See list of Dewey nos. kept in Cataloging and Metadata Services.


Item type

All newly acquired textbooks are placed in the “New text books” collection. New text books circulate overnight only; but always use “Non-circ” as its item type in the item record on Voyager.

Some common abbreviations for curriculum text: 

T.M. = Teacher’s manual

                                                    T.E. = Teacher’s edition

                                                    T.G = Teacher’s guide

                                                    Rdg. Lvl. = Reading level

                                                    Int. Lvl. = Interest level

                                                    Gr. = Grade


Processing/cataloging Workflow: 



Arrange textbooks by publisher, title and grade.  Titles may have several parts (teacher’s ed., student ed., workbooks, resource manuals etc.) 

Search OCLC for proper record.  If the textbook is mainly teacher’s ed., choose teacher’s ed. record, if available.  Export record into Voyage.  Edit as needed.

If a near match is found instead, derive a new record on OCLC and reuse information that applies to the item. Edit the derived record as needed. Upload to OCLC and export to Voyager.

If no matching records can be found, do original cataloging following proper original cataloging procedures and standards.  Export.   

Editing examples: 

  1. 020 -- add grade and ed. after ISBN

                ex.   020      0153113944 (gr. K., T.E) 


  1. 099 – call no.; use Dewey class + first 3 letters of publisher’s name + date

              ex.   099      500 Sco 2000


  1. 300 -- Physical description and other physical details of the item and information      concerning accompanying materials.  Follow instructions for handling accompanying materials.

 ex.  300   7 v. : $b col. ill. ; $c 31 cm + $e 7 CD-ROMs (4 3/4 in.) ; Program overview booklet.


  1. 521 – Target Audience Note

               ex.   521   For grades K-6.

                       521 1_  7-10.

                       521  2_  7 & up.

(Note: be clear with reading level and interest level; use indicator to specify as needed.)


  1. 538  - System information for item (if there is a CD-ROM etc.)

ex. 538    System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM's: version 1.0 for   Macintosh or windows. 


  1. 590 – Local note, primarily used for local information of the accompany materials.

                ex.  590      CD-ROM's accompanying each grade level available in Media Services).   


  1. 650 – Subjects headings. Assign Library of Congress subject headings and add appropriate subdivisions and level of study if applicable.



Although LC Subject Cataloging Manual instructs not to assign subdivision $x Study and teaching to textbooks for students, as a local practice, TCNJ will continue to provide [topic] $x Study and teaching as one of the subjects to Textbooks collection titles.


 Always assign subdivision $v textbooks for general works on individual textbooks at all levels.


E.g.    650 _0    Mathematics $x Study and teaching (Primary)

               650 _0   Mathematics $v Textbooks.


 Assign level after topical headings if appropriate.

           ex. 650  _0   Reading (Pre-K)

                650  _0   Reading (Primary)

                      650  _0    Reading (Middle school)

                      650  _0    Reading (Elementary)

                      650  _0   Reading (Secondary)


Levels:             Pre-school = Pre-K

                        Primary = K-3

                        Elementary = 3-6

                        Middle school = 6-8

                         Secondary = 9-12


  1. 710 – Corporate name added entry. Add as appropriate.  Check authority file.

                     ex.    710  2_  Scott, Foresman and Company.


  1. 740 -  Use this for added title portions of a related work if applicable. 



Set the Preference for defaulting location and call# scheme for Mfhd and item records.


 Click on Options>Preferences. Set Preferences by clicking on the down arrow of the following tabs and scrolling to the defaults:


General Tab          --> Holdings/Default Location:

Childnew Text.

       --> Call Number Hierarchies:


Item Defaults Tab  -->   Item: Textbook New



Import record form OCLC into Voyager

Save to DB

Check OK to export 


Record call # on the verso page of each book and also affix barcode to the top middle of the inside back cover (about 1 in, from the top). 

Create Holdings record: 

                                    Example   852  80    $b childnew $h 500 $i Sco 2000

                                                     866 41   T.E.: Gr.K-6, 2000

Save to DB 


Create items record:

                        Wand in barcode

                        Add grade etc in enumeration box

                        Example Gr.1, lvl. K, T.E.

Save to DB 



Use label program to make labels. Tattle Tape each book. Affix label. Stamp each on the inside front and back cover with the THE COLLEGE OF NEW JERSEY LIBRARY STAMP. If there is accompanying material, book must be stamped with the ACCOMPANYING MATERIAL STAMP.


Student ed.                   Teacher’s ed.         Work Book

 425                              425                         425

Har                              Har                         Har

Gr. 3                           Gr. 3                       Gr. 3

1996                           1996                       1996

                                    T.E.                        Wk. bk.


If there is a level, part or vol. this should come after Gr . on label



BK  3/09, 7/09 rev. 7/11


Guidelines to process PRAXIS guides:

1. All PRAXIS titles should be shelved in Curriculum Reference Collection.

2. All PRAXIS titles will be classed under LB1762 and followed by appropriate cutter number.

3. Catalog PRAXIS titles following existing cataloging guidelines and procedures.

4. Add a 590 field "PRAXIS Study Guide" to each record (e.g., 590  PRAXIS Study Guide.)


CB 5/19