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Cataloging and Metadata Services

Documentation Repository

Copy Cataloging in Alma

Important notes and tips

1. Always search for potential bibs in Connexion. Even if you think the pre-loaded acquisitions bib record in Alma is the correct match, you will need to confirm this by searching Connexion. In other words, don’t trust the pre-loaded record. Adhering to good cataloging procedures, we are looking for:
    a. The best matching record
    b. LC/PCC records
    c. Records with high holdings
2. Only after you have found a record in Connexion will you search in Alma using the Search External Resources Interface. Search by OCLC# using System Number.
3. Always upgrade the Alma record with the master record from OCLC, even if it is the same OCLC# as the pre-existing record. We want the most recent form of record.
4. If you are changing the OCLC# (i.e., you have found a better record than the Acquisitions Bib), you need to remove holdings in Connexion on the incorrect OCLC#
5. Always enhance the record for 978 using your desired 978 pattern.
6. Save your records often in Alma (Ctrl+S) when using the MD editor.
7. Always look for any request/award/collection information in the 98X fields.
8. Check if there is any different version record for the same work (e.g., hardcover/paperback, ebooks/print). If there is one, make sure that the matching records have the same 050 and 6XX fields (including 655 fields) assigned. This can be done either by using the "Find Matches" menu (under "Record Actions") or the Ctrl+M shortcut, or by checking matches when Alma sends an alert upon saving the record. Please note that "matches" found by Alma may not always be matches, however.
9. NLC records always need to be checked by librarians. LC/PCC records also should be checked by librarians if caught in step 8 above.
10. Resources requiring original cataloging will be cataloged by librarians.

CB 2019-07-15, YT 2023-06

Copy Cataloging Checklist

Basic Copy Cataloging Procedures
Authority control for access points
Authority control tasks for access points (1XX, 6XX, 7XX, 8XX fields) are generally handled by librarians. Copy catalogers generally should focus on checking descriptive data elements as described below and edit bib records locally as needed. Check this link for details about authority control procedures.
Paperback vs. Hardcover--when to input a new record
Though there are cases when paperback and hardcover books can be cataloged on the same record, if any of the following differences are noticed, please use a separate record. If a new record needs to be generated, please submit the resource to librarians for original cataloging. If you are unsure of whether there are enough differences to justify inputting a new record, consult librarians.
  • 245: Differences in title statement (other than minor differences, such as capitalization, punctuation, etc.)
  • 250: Differences in edition statement (other than edition statements regarding binding (e.g., Paperback edition) assuming the rest of the record matches)
  • 26X: Change in publisher
  • 26X: Change in publication date
  • 300: Difference in pagination no greater than 3 pages
  • 300: Difference in $c greater than 2 cm
Follow the existing ISBD punctuation pattern when making any changes to copy records (i.e., do not add terminal periods when they are omitted in the records; add terminal periods when they are present). 
040/042 field
Most LC/PCC records (including those coded "lccopycat" in 042 fields) do not need to be reviewed by librarians unless considered necessary by copy catalogers for any reasons. The exception is comic books and graphic novels even when they are LC/PCC records; those titles, just like all non-LC/PCC titles, should be left on the catalog revision truck for librarian review.
LC/PCC records must have one of the following:
DLC in 040
042 pcc
042 lccopycat
Records with non-Latin script data (880 fields)
MARC records including non-Latin script data in 880 fields should be reviewed by librarians, regardless of whether they are LC/PCC records or not.
Fixed fields
Scan and correct obvious errors, especially date(s) and place of publication and language. (See also PCC BIBCO Standard Record Metadata Application Profile, esp. p. 38-39)
020 field
Follow the local guideline "ISBN information in MARC 020 fields." Make sure to use subfield $z for recording invalid ISBNs that are found on the item but are assigned to different resources (e.g., ebook or hardcover ISBN found on a paperback version record).
035 field
When imported records contain two 035 fields, make sure that OCLC control numbers match in subfields $a. If you need to alter a local record's OCLC# in Alma, first remove holdings on the pre-existing number in OCLC. Then, merge the new record using "search external resources" in Alma. This should generate the correct 035 fields. See also OCLC numbers / 035 structure
Other numbers and codes fields (01X-09X fields)
Leave these fields as is, unless any of them are found to contain obvious errors that need to be corrected or the system gives you an error message that a particular field is invalid (and thus needs to be deleted to pass record validation).
050 field
NOTE: In Alma, shelflisting will occur from the holdings record 852
Generally it is not necessary to adjust call numbers by correcting inconsistencies in alphabetical order. For national literature schedules (PR, PS, etc.) and music scores (M), however, TCNJ catalogers should continue to shelflist bib records in alphabetical order (that is, by "main entry").
For items with duplicate call numbers in Alma, consult librarians for call number reconciliation.
If the cutter numbers begin with “A” or “Z”:
Leave call numbers as is and flag and place items on non-LC truck after completing the rest of copy cataloging tasks.
1XX field
Add appropriate relationship designators in subfield $e if missing. Remove $4 MARC relator codes.
245 field
This is a transcription field for recording the title and statement of responsibility as found. Check the field against the title page (or title page equivalent) and make sure that the information matches exactly. An author's title, etc. in subfield $c may or may be transcribed in RDA records. Accept what in on the copy record. For multiple authors, etc. if only the first named person is recorded in subfield $c (plus [and --- others]), transcribe all other authors, etc. up to a reasonable total number (typically no more than five persons). For resources with more authors, etc., it is acceptable to have only the first name recorded and indicate the omission by using [and six others] or [and 5 others], for example. Minor differences in subfield $c (e.g., "edited by" vs. "editor"; "and" missing) do not need to be corrected as found on the resource.

Remove $h for general material designation.
246 field
Parallel titles should be coded as 246 31. All other varying titles may be coded as 246 1_ per the old AACR2-based BIBCO Standard Record Application Profile. Accept 246 fields on copy records as is if their indicators are coded correctly. They may be re-coded simply as 246 1_ (especially if you have to spend extra time checking their definitions in MARC documentation).
250 field
This is a transcription field for recording the edition statement as found. Delete an edition statement on the copy record in square brackets if it is not found in the resource and the source of information is not recorded in a 500 field note but everything else matches.
263 field
Always delete the project publication date found in this field (usually a leftover from a pre-publication record originally created as part of the CIP program).
264 (260) field
Subfields $a and $b are transcription fields for recording place(s) of publication and publisher's name(s). However, pay attention to the following conditions.
  • Subfield $a: When a publisher has offices in multiple places, accept the copy record as a match as long as one (or more) of the places of publication on the copy record are found in the resource. Accept the place(s) of publication as recorded if correct; do not add or change larger jurisdictions.
  • Subfield $b: Do not change the publisher statement if it is essentially the same as the one on the resource (e.g., Scribe vs. Scribe Publishers).
  • Subfield $c: The copy record is probably a non-match if the date of publication differs from the resource in hand, possibly representing a different edition. Consult a librarian if everything else matches.
300 field
  • Subfield $a: Do not add preliminary paging that is missing from the copy record if everything else matches.
  • Subfield $b: Do not add an illustration statement if one is missing from the copy record and there are only minor illustrations in the resource. Accept an illustration statement if it is generally accuurate and not misleading.
  • Subfield $c: Accept the copy record as a match and do not change the size if the difference is within one centimeter, provided that everything else matches. "cm" is considered to be a symbol, not an abbreviation, and is not followed by a period in RDA records unless there is a 490 field on the copy record (this exception is due to ISBN rules).
385/386 field
For audience (385) and creator/contributor (386) characteristics, make sure that bib records use only terms from LC Demographic Group Terms ($2 lcdgt). Per current LC documentation (L410, L412), the field may contain a subfield $n containing the code assigned to the demographic group category. It may also contain a subfield $0 (zero) for the control number of the record of the authorized term used in subfield $a. Delete any subfield $m (a designator assigned to the demographic group category) found in copy records. 
490 field
This is a transcription field for recording the series statement and numbering, etc. as found. CIP data is not considered a valid source, however. The series statement found in the CIP data block only (or found on the copy record but not found in the item or anywhere else) should be deleted.
5XX fields
  • Do not rearrange the order of 5XX notes on the copy record. Accept a 5XX note if the information is generally accurate. Update or delete a 5XX note if the information is inaccurate or inapplicable but everything else matches on the copy record.
  • Delete institution-specific notes having a $5 DLC, etc.
  • Delete notes in a foreign language unless the information is directly quoted from the source.
504 field
Accept a bibliography note as found on the copy record unless obviously incorrect (e.g., the bibliography is actually missing in the item in hand). Do not check or add pagination. Add a bibliography note if missing on the copy record.

505 field
Generally scan and correct obvious typos, but do not match and proof-read against the item. However, if the copy record is a vendor or similar minimum-level record, DO update the contents note as needed if the information is initially found to vary from the item in hand.
6XX fields (subject headings and genre/form headings)
  • Only LCSH, MeSH, and FAST headings are accepted and kept for subject headings. Delete other types of subject headings found on the copy record.
  • Only LCGFT, MeSH, and FAST headings are accepted and kept for genre/form headings, except where there are exceptions in other local documentation. 
  • When cataloging a copy record for a title that already has a local bib record in another edition or format (e.g., print and electronic resources), make sure that these records are assigned the same set of 6XX fields where appropriate. Flag and leave the item on the revision truck if there is any question as to which set of 6XX fields is appropriate.
7XX fields
Add appropriate relationship designators if missing. Remove $4 MARC relator codes. Generally do not add additional 7XX fields even if you add additional statements of responsibility in 245 subfield $c, for example. If those additional names are considered important enough to merit additional access points, simply add 7XX fields with the names inverted (last name, first name) [for personal names] without checking the OCLC authority file and flag and leave the item on the revision truck for librarian review.
800/810/811/830 field
These fields reflect the established form recorded in the series authority record, as opposed to the series statements in 490 fields that are transcribed as found on the resource. While new LC records only transcrible series statements in 490 0# fields, our policy remains unchanged, that is, make 8XX series access points for all new series as well as for all existing series established in the OCLC authority file. This will be checked through weekly reports. New series authority records will be created by Yuji as needed.
852 field (bibliographic record)
Notify/rush/awards notes/local notes appear in 852 $x in the bibliographic record.
Notify note: Copy the user information to a notify slip and delete the 852.
On order note: Delete the 852.
Awards notes/Local headings: The 852 may contain information which needs to be recorded in other fields in the bib record, such as awards notes or local headings. The field can be removed when cataloging
Before: 852 ‡x on-order for biology
After:  [852 removed]
Before: 852 ‡x notify
After:  [852 removed after notify note copied to slip]
Before: 852 ‡x faculty author
After: [852 removed after recording controlled Faculty Author Collection heading in 710]
Before: 852 ‡x Caldecott Medal
After: [852 removed after recording controlled form of Award in 710]
856 field
We manage electronic access links in Alma at the portfolio level. Electronic resources themselves (856 40) will have portfolios created when new electronic titles are brought into Alma. Also, both the first and second indicators for 856 fields present in bib records will be changed to blank after running the default normalization rule in Alma MD Editor. If an electronic version of the resource (856 41 -- table of contents, etc.) or a related electronic resource (856 42 -- finding aid for an archival collection) is considered important for users, they should be made accessible via additional portfolios created; otherwise, delete these 856 fields found in copy records. Consult librarians if there are any questions about creating addtional portfolios.
9XX field
These fields are not part of the standard MARC 21 format and are typically used by vendors to store specific ordering information or local information specific to TCNJ. Leave these fields as is.

YT 2018-12; rev. 2019-01, 2019-02; CB rev. 2019-04; CB/YT rev 2019-07-15, YT 2019-09; CB 2019-10, YT 2019-12, 2023-03, 2023-09