All Institutional Zone bibliographic records containing OCLC#s in 035 are set to "Publish bib" with the following exceptions:
All other bibliographic records are set to publish, regardless of item status. For example, if an item is "missing" or "lost," the "Publish bib" status remains until the library formally decides to eliminate the bibliographic record.
The publishing status of Community Zone records is irrelevant.
Number of digits |
Prefix, examples |
7 digits or less |
ocm + leading 0’s 035 (OCoLC)ocm00000123 035 (OCoLC)ocm01234567 |
8 digits |
ocm 035 (OCoLC)ocm32165478 035 (OCoLC)ocm65487832 |
9 digits |
ocn 035 (OCoLC)ocn123456789 035 (OCoLC)ocn654789321 |
10 digits |
on 035 (OCoLC)on1234567891 035 (OCoLC)on3216549875 |
All Alma records should contain prefixed and non-prefixed form.
035 $a (OCoLC)ocn123456789
035 $a (OCoLC)123456789
CB 2020-03-30