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Cataloging and Metadata Services

Documentation Repository

Entering the 978 field in Bibliographic Records for Cataloging Statistics

The 978 field will be used for cataloging statistics. 978 is case sensitive. Only the catalogers’ initials are entered in upper case. The other applicable elements should be entered in lower case. All 978 fields should contain the following five elements:
$d [date] $c [initials] $t [type] $l [location] $v [number of item records/portfolios being cataloged]

978   $d 20040510 $c CW $t orig $l ref $v 4
978   $d 20040421 $c MH $t w $l c $v 2
978   $d 20040516 $c CW $t addvol $l gen $v 1
978   $d 20040716 $c AI $t w $l gen $v 2
978   $d 20040518 $c CW $t nlc $l per $v 1
978   $d 20040710 $c CW $t nlc $l int $v 1

$d   --   Date, follow the format: yyyymmdd  (e.g. 20040605)
$c   --   Cataloger’s initials, two letters, both capital
$t   --   Type of processing
acc          (Adding accompanying material)
addcopy   (Added copy)
addvol     (Added volume)
batch      (batch loading)
lcpcc     (Copy cataloging, LC/PCC copy)
nlc           (Copy cataloging, Non LC copy)
orig          (Original cataloging)
recon      (Recon cataloging)
repl          (Replacement – Identical copy)
trans         (Transfer)
w              (Withdrawal - items withdrawn only, title remains in repository)
wt             (Withdrawal - entire title deleted)
mini         (Minibib for media titles) [obsolete, 8/19]
precat       (Preliminary cataloging, for media) [obsolete, 8/19]
$l   --   Location
arch           (Archives)
c                 (Children)
childpost     (Curric Post)
gen             (General)
gennc         (General Non-Circulating)
govf            (GovDoc Federal)
govs           (GovDoc State)
int              (Internet)
m               (Media, including DVD, CD-ROM, CDs, Video games)
micro         (microform room)
per             (Perstack or Current Room)          
rand           (Rand collection)
ref             (Ref., Ref Office, ChildRef, MusicRef, CurricRef)
Index          (Index)
rsbk           (Remote Storage, Decker)
score          (Music score)                   
tech            (Technical Services)
text            (Text books – new text or old text)
cddb           (CD Database) [obsolete 8/19]
ebk              (e-book) [obsolete 8/19]

edb              (e-database)  [obsolete 8/19]              
egovf          (Electronic GovDoc Federal) [obsolete 8/19]
egovs          (Electronic GovDoc State) [obsolete 8/19]
listcd          (Music CD) [obsolete, 8/19]

$v   --   Volume (number of item records or portfolios added to (or withdrawn from) the collection)
$n   --   internal cataloger note (optional)

$f   --   Format   [OBSOLETE 8/19]                 
cd          (Spoken CD) (Obsolete, 11/10)
cdrom    (CD-ROM)
dvd        (DVD)
dvdrom (DVD-ROM)
fd           (floppy disk)
gd          (Guide or other supplemental materials)
kit          (kit)
lp          (Sound recording - LP) (added 4/14)
poster     (Curriculum – Posters)
proj        (Projected graphic materials, e.g. transparencies) 
tape       (cassette)   
vhs        (VHS)

Multiple 978 fields
You would need to enter additional 978 fields when the following happens:
1. When multiple copies are ordered for multiple locations. Enter a 978 field for EACH LOCATION.
2. When the type of processing is different than a previous 978 (e.g., Withdraw instead of Addcopy).
3. When you work on a title with accompanying material (e.g. CD) and the accompany material is to be shelved in a different location, two 978 fields should be entered, one for the book, one for the accompanying material. Enter “acc” in subfield t ($t) for the type of processing.
Electronic Resources
If you are cataloging a remote electronic resource (i.e. access via the Internet), all the instructions mentioned above for recording the 978 field apply. For $l, use 'int'. Enter the number of portfolios in $v.
978   $d 20190806 $c CB $t nlc $l int $v 1
When you transfer titles from one location (e.g. Ref ) to another (e.g. Gencoll ), you’ll need to enter “trans” in subfield t ($t) as type of processing. Do not use “w” (withdraw). Enter the original location from which the material is being transferred in the subfield l ($l, location). This is a new policy as it reports more accurately on our cataloging activities.

Leisure Reading Collection (McNaughton leasing books)
Some books from the Leisure Reading Collection will be kept permanently in the Library. When handling such books, record a 978 field as if it were a new title, since this is the first time it will receive cataloging treatment.
See Withdrawals and Deletions for more information.

Normalization rules in Alma
Several normalization rules have been created for entering the 978 field. To use them in the MD editor, hit edit>>>enhance the record and select normalization as desired. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Alt+E.
CB 2019-11-02