Industry trends and statistics -- TCNJ databases
IBIS World - comprehensive market research reports on more than 700 US industries, classified at the 5-digit NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) level. Additionally, more than 600 “super-niche” industries are covered. Each report is presented in a standard format that includes an industry overview, competitive landscape, operating conditions, key statistics, and industry outlook.
Mergent Archives - Despite the similar name, the content of this database is quite different from that of Mergent Online (described on the Company Information tab). After connecting to the database, select the link that says Search Mergent Archives. On the next page, select the top-level tab labeled First Research. From the page displayed, search by keyword or NAICS code -- or simply select your industry from the extensive list shown.
In addition to First Research industry reports, there are comprehensive Mergent Industry Reports within Mergent Archives as well. After connecting to the database, select the link that says Search Mergent Archives. On the next page, select the top-level tab labeled Industry Report. From the page displayed, search by company name to find an industry report that mentions that company -- or simply select your industry from the list shown.
Statista - As the name implies, this database may be useful for finding statistics about an industry, company, or social trend. For some industries, an in-depth report or a visually-appealing infographic may be available.
Plunkett Research Online - Offers business intelligence, industry trends, statistics, market research, sales leads & corporate profiles in a variety of formats. Plunkett also provides links to a comprehensive list of associations related to each industry that it covers. Associations can be an excellent resource for authoritative industry information. [Also see below: Encyclopedia of Associations]
ABI/Inform Global - In addition to articles on topics in business and management, this database includes company and industry reports.
Industry analysis -- Free online resources
Market Data Center -- within