In Literature Resource Center, perform an Advanced Search for poet* in Subject. Click Biographies at the top of the results list. Now, in the right-hand column, FILTER RESULTS by Publication Title. Select Dictionary of Literary Biography and Apply the filter.
If desired, filter your results once more by Publication Title. Note the dozens of relevant DLB volumes including:
Click here to see a list of printed DLB poetry volumes held in the Reference Stacks, 1st floor (Gitenstein Library).
Gitenstein Library provides access to several additional poetry e-titles in the Cambridge Companions series. To find these titles, perform a Publications search in Literature Online (LION) for <Cambridge Companion Poet*> In Title.
Gitenstein Library provides access to several additional poetry e-titles in the Cambridge Companions series. To find these titles, perform a Publications search in Literature Online (LION) for <Cambridge Companion Poet*> In Title.
These classic indexes can be useful when you are looking for a poem but don't have complete information about it. Find poems by author or subject.