Welcome to TCNJ. Gitenstein Library is here to support your teaching and research. This guide will give a brief overview of the services we offer. To bookmark this page for later, right-click on this link: https://libguides.tcnj.edu/facultyguide
All of our librarians assist faculty, students, and staff through our Ask a Librarian service, through which you can text, chat, call, or visit with the librarian on duty so you can get assistance at the moment you need it. You and your students can go to library.tcnj.edu/ask to learn more or to connect.
Each department on campus has a librarian who specializes in that field, offering instruction sessions and consultations to help faculty and students find what they need to do their best work. Reach out to the subject librarian for your department to collaborate on instruction, find or recommend resources, and get the help you need.
Subject librarians may:
Adding articles from our databases to your Canvas course
When adding publication information to one's profile in Faculty 180, the library's databases can be a big help. The key is to use the RIS file format that library-licensed databases usually offer. This document outlines step-by-step instructions for the various platforms, but the pattern is simple: 1) Find your publication in a database, 2) Export the citation information as a file in RIS format, 3) Import your RIS-formatted file into Faculty 180.