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Search the TCNJ Library catalog to find books about canons and related literary concepts. Improve your results by taking just a few minutes to understand Library of Congress Subject Headings, or LCSH for short. Subject headings are terms assigned by cataloging librarians to the records (or descriptions) of library books and other sources. LCSH communicate to researchers both what a source is (e.g., an encyclopedia, periodical, or primary source), and what it is about (i.e., its subject). Conceptually, LCSH function similarly to the hashtags we are familiar with on Twitter and Instagram. But unlike tags on social networking sites, LCSH are very consistently applied and incredibly precise. The tags are pre-determined, that is to say cataloging librarians cannot make up tags. Rather catalogers draw from a list of terms already approved and in use. The search term "literary collections" can be useful for identifying primary works of literature.
Relevant Library of Congress Subject Headings, among others, include the following: