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LIT 499: Tracing the Trope of Epiphanal Blackness In African American Literature: Home


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  • reference materials (bibliographies, companions, encyclopedias);
  • secondary works (scholarly books and journal articles); and
  • primary sources (drama, poetry, novels, authors' memoirs and other personal narratives).

If you would like to schedule a research consultation with me, please refer to the information in the Guide Author box.

Black History Month

"Each February, Black History Month subverts conventional narratives of American history by centering the grandeur and travails of the black freedom struggle" (Peniel E. Joseph, UT Austin, taken from a recently-published CNN op-ed titled Why This Year's Black History Month is Pivotal).

See the Primary Sources Online page of this guide for links to dozens more library e-books, databases, and open access websites that chronicle the African American experience.

Humanities Librarian

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David C. Murray
TCNJ Library,
Room 216