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MKT 310: Marketing Research: Data & Statistics

Created by Dana Gordon, Acting Business & Economics Librarian, Spring 2010; Revised and updated by Terrence Bennett. Latest update: Fall 2024

Finding Data & Statistics


Data and Statistics – TCNJ

TCNJ  Office of Institutional Research and Analytics:


TCNJ Library has compiled a guide to COVID-related information resources.

Data and Statistics – economic / demographic

EasiDemographics / this is mostly a fee-based service, but look for the link at the top of the page to LEGACY SITE, then follow the link to free Census 2020 reports, ring studies, maps, and more -- based on 2020 US Census data.  [Note that a brief registration is required to access The Right Site.]

Federal Reserve Economic Data [FRED]: National-level time-series statistics from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Bureau of Economic Analysis

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Census Bureau (Data.Census.Gov)

  • Select the "Tables" feature from to begin building a table
  • Select Geographies and Topics and Years from the "Filters" menu on the left side of the page to begin building your table.
  • For more help and tutorials, see Data.Census.Gov Resources or FAQs.
  • State and County QuickFacts - includes statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with more than 5,000 people.

Census 2020 Interactive County Maps - details about population, age, race/ethnicity and housing status, for counties and subdivisions within counties.

American Community Survey - includes updates and projections since the decennial census.

New Jersey State Data Center: a faster path to NJ-based Census statistics (at the state-, county-, municipal- or zipcode-level), mostly sourced from US Census data.

  • From the top-level menu, follow the links to Demographics; Employment & Wages; or Industry & Economy

NJ Data Hub: Open Data Center: from the State of New Jersey Office of Information Technology

Data and Statistics – education

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) [includes academic library statistics]:

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE)OPE Topics A-Z

NCAA (items under the "Research" tab include Financial Research, Academics Research, and an NCAA Demographics Database.

American Council on Education: Research & Insights

See the Finding Associations tab in this research guide for pointers to organizations that may be relevant for your team's project.  These associations can also be a good source for data and statistics.

Education Data Initiative -- includes average cost of college textbooks, student loan debt statistics, and other topics related to the cost of college education.

Subscription databases available via TCNJ Library

Statista -- search by keyword or topic to find statistics; source details may provide pointers to underlying data

Industry trends and statistics

RKMA Market Research Handbooks: From Richard K. Miller & Associates, this series of online market research reports contain comprehensive demographic, economic, and market-segment  profiles of topics and industries that may be directly (or tangentially) relevant to your topics for this class. Individual titles include Sports Marketing; U.S. Cities & Communities; Consumer Behavior; and Restaurant, Food & Beverage Market Research, among others.

IBIS World: Includes comprehensive market research reports on more than 700 US industries, and 600 “super-niche” (specialized and emerging) industries.  Each report is presented in a standard format that includes an industry overview, competitive landscape, operating conditions, key statistics, and industry outlook.

Plunkett Research Online

  • After connecting to the database, find your industry in the drop-down box [look for the words Select Industry Group], and browse to relevant information to support your analysis.
  • For additional guidance, select the “Tutorials” button from the home page for links to a series of video tutorials that cover topics such as How to Research an Industry, How to Use Company Profiles, and How to Use Industry Analytics.

Data use and data visualization