See the Decades of Modern American Drama series. Each book features primary works and "new interpretations" from the 1930s forward.
The library's Literature Online (LION) database provides access to thousands of primary works of American and English drama.
Perform a keyword search in Gitenstein Library's web-scale discovery service for the last name of the playwright and one or two words from the title (e.g., Albee Virginia Woolf).
Browse the 274 volumes of the Dramatists Play Service.
Check out the digital anthology of Early Modern English Drama, Folger Shakespeare Library.
EServer Drama Collection (open access) consists of "original plays and screenplays, criticism and links to other sites concerned with theatre."
Use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request books and book chapters not held by our library. Chapters typically arrive within hours. Physical books take days.
WorldCat is a "union catalog" of millions of records for books held by thousands of libraries. Search WorldCat to find more books about your topic.
Identify e-books available to read or borrow immediately by conducting an Advanced search. Look for the Library Code box toward the bottom of the page. Enter one of the following library codes:
The following Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) reveal Gitenstein Library books and e-books. Deselect "Books" under Active filters to see articles and other source types.
Browse for books at the following LC classes in the circulating (general) stacks (3rd floor), Gitenstein Library: