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Center for Community Engagement: Core Concepts of CEL

This guide connects educators to resources on community engaged learning

What is community engaged learning (CEL)?

CEL learning objectives (TCNJ)

CEL defined

Community engaged learning (CEL) is an experiential learning strategy where the college's learning goals align with a community-identified need. CEL incorporates community-based experiences into courses and co-curricular activities by incorporating three key components: education, service, and reflection.

Education: Students learn from TCNJ faculty, staff, and community partners in the classroom and by working alongside community members. CEL is an opportunity to learn about social issues that impact the local community through an academic and experiential lens. 

Service: Through a community-based project, students serve with a community partner/organization to address the needs of the community. CEL is designed to be mutually beneficial for the course and community partner. 

Reflection is a key component of CEL and is incorporated throughout the CEL experience. Faculty and partners build in time for students to think critically about their CEL experiences and overall impact--both on the community and themselves.