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CHI 151: Beginning Intensive Chinese I: Pronunciation

Course guide for Intensive Chinese 151

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Pronunciation Guide

The Neutral Tone,
occurs on stressless syllables and has a pitch entirely determined by the tones of adjacent syllables. However, a neutral will never act as the starting tone. Neutral tones are usually unmarked. For example, the red parts of the following table are neutral tones.

ma 妈妈 ye 爷爷 nǎinai 奶奶 ba 爸爸
ge 哥哥 wa 娃娃 jiějie 姐姐 mèimei 妹妹
zhuōzi 桌子 fángzi 房子 běnzi 本子 jìngzi 镜子
jīnzi 金子 yínzi 银子 zǎoshang 早上 dìshang 地上
dīngzi 钉子 miánhua 棉花 yǐngzi 影子 yànzi 燕子


Tone Mark Placement

The tone mark is placed over the vowel if there is only one vowel letter.

If there are two vowels, the tone mark is placed on the first, unless the this first vowel is i or u.

hēi qiú tuī

If there are three vowels in a syllable, the tone mark is placed on the middle one.

zhuāng chuán

When the tone mark is place on i, the small dot is removed.

lín huī

Subject Guide

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Jia Mi
Library 217